This will be a first for the Royal Mail as, up until now, with the exception of the current monarch no living person from parliament has ever been represented on a UK stamp.
A spokesman for the Royal Mail, Sir Harvey Wallop, stated that, "The Royal Mail decided it was time to come into the modern age and change the rules. For the last 170 years we have followed rules laid down by Sir Rowland Hill. Today we decide to leave that behind and start afresh. The Royal Mail has often been criticized for living in the past. We say no more. The Royal Mail has now stepped into the present and will take a lead on what happens to the service in the future”.
Sir Charles Gaffney, Labour MP for East Chiswick called the idea “A great waste of tax payers money” and a “Stupid and idiotic idea that makes the Royal Mail look more foolish than ever”.
Lady Frances Fenton-Smythe, the Conservative MP for Upper Stunthorpe thought the idea was wonderful and felt that “This has been something the Royal Mail should have done some time ago. Welcome to the 21st Century”.
Derek Cuttle, the Liberal MP for Gelling-on-Sea stated “I see this as a step forward for the country. I do understand the view of the Labour MP, however I can also see the point that the Conservative MP has made. I think it’s a bit of both.”
As we went to press it was not known as to the value of the coalition stamp would be.
Story by Dennis Birdcamp.
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